What to Expect at your Massage Therapy Appointment

Booking your appointment

If it’s your first appointment you will be required to complete a health history intake form.  This document is legally required for your Registered Massage Therapist to provide safe and effective treatment.  Full disclosure of all current and past medical history is required and encouraged, all information provided will be confidential as per the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). 

It is advised that for your first treatment to book a minimum of 60 minute appointment to allow for assessment and treatment. Be prepared to spend the first 10-15 minutes of your appointment discussing your health history, health goals and orthopaedic testing. The remaining 45-50 minutes will be used to execute the first treatment of your plan as agreed upon by both you and your therapist. If a 60 minute treatment is not possible, please contact us and we can discuss a plan that will work best for you to access care.  

Before your appointment

Arriving a few minutes before your scheduled appointment will allow for you to receive your full treatment time which is essential for your care. It is advised that clients should arrive make-up free and have a way to tie back long hair, however if this is not possible we have makeup wipes and elastics on hand for your use. If you feel unwell please reach out to the clinic as we may suggest wearing a mask for your treatment or rescheduling it all together (please review our Cancellation Policy for more information)

Please be aware that since we are a medical clinic so we try to keep scents at a minimum, please refrain from use of perfumes, artificial scents and smoking immediately prior to your appointment.  We do occasionally use essential oil aromatherapy in our treatments, please inform us on your intake form prior to your appointment if you have any scent or respiratory sensitivities.

During your appointment

If it is your first appointment, Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) are legally required to review your health history, your goals and any required orthopaedic assessment with you. This assessment phase (10-15mins) is apart of your treatment time and will provide your therapist key information to specialize and customize a treatment for you.  Subsequent visits will typically have shorter re-assessment/discussions to evaluate how you are feeling since you last treatment and what your goals are for the current treatment.

Your RMT will outline how to proceed with your treatment plan including undressing level, positioning, draping and how they will approach treatment, we encourage you to ask questions throughout the process. Massage Therapy is a collaborative approach and therefore it is important that both client and therapist feel comfortable with the agreed upon plan before moving forward with treatment.

During your appointment, your RMT will focus on creating an atmosphere to foster relaxation through music, positional comfort, aromatherapy and communication.  Your RMT will leave the room to allow you to undress to your level of comfort and position yourself on the treatment table as directed. Most clients feel comfortable based on their treatment plan to undress to their undergarments, while others may be fully clothed.  Based on your treatment plan and your preferences, please feel free to discuss this with your RMT. Once the therapist returns, they will knock on the door for permission to re-enter the treatment room.

RMT’s will check in throughout your treatment on the level of pressure, if at any point the therapist is giving too much pressure it is encouraged that you communicate this as it will influence the effectiveness of your treatment.  Throughout your treatment it is your time to breath, relax and unwind, also feel free to talk as little or as much as you need. At no point during your hands on treatment are you expected to carry a conversation other than to ask any questions, withdraw your consent or inform the therapist of over pressure.

After your appointment

Your RMT will indicate that your treatment is over and leave the room for you to re-dress in private, and will instruct you that they will meet you in the reception area.  Your RMT may also give you some home care instructions to help prolong the benefits of your massage, to manage any post treatment soreness or therapeutic exercises to help achieve your health goals.

Payment for treatment provided will be due at this time, your RMT can provide a digital or hard copy of your receipt for insurance claims and your records.  It is recommended to book your follow up treatment prior to leaving the clinic to ensure your appointment fits your schedule. Booking regular appointments will help you achieve your health and wellness goals. We also offer complimentary epsom salt packs or water after your appointment if you wish (based on availability).

If at any time after your appointment you have questions or concerns regarding your treatment please reach out to your treating therapist to discuss. Feedback regarding your treatments is necessary to ensure we are achieving your goals.

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