Price Changes for 2024

Price Changes for 2024

As of January 1, 2024 the following price structure will take effect for Rivers RMT.

Massage Therapy -Senior Pricing
(65+ years)

30 minutes - $60
45 minutes - $75
60 minutes - $95
75 minutes - $115
90 minutes - $130

Massage Therapy

30 minutes - $65
45 minutes - $80
60 minutes - $100
75 minutes - $120
90 minutes - $135

Hot Stone Massage Therapy
60 minutes - $110
75 minutes - $130
90 minutes - $145

Massage Therapy & Stretch
60 minutes - $100
75 minutes - $120
90 minutes - $135

Thai-Style Massage Therapy
60 minutes - $100
75 minutes - $120
90 minutes - $135

All pricing is subject to 13% HST

Please note moving forward discounted pricing is offer to Seniors (those 65 years old and older) only.

On Cloud Nine - If you’d still like to enjoy the benefits of this service, feel free to book a 45min appointment and make a note in the comments section before booking (or let me know when you arrive).

As always, I appreciate your continued support and trust in Heather Rivers RMT as your health care provider. I appreciate that the rising costs of everything is taking a toll on everyone. I will continue to ensure the quality of care you receive is what you deserve and find ways to continuously elevate your experience.

I wish you all a happy Holiday Season and all the best for 2024!

Heather Rivers H.B.Kin, RMT